Sunday 18 September 2011

How My Office Job Stole My Life

I have been working in an office job for the greater part of 19 years. I started in an office at age 23 and I about to turn 42 years in December. Working in an office and sitting behind a desk and computer screen.

I always thought, Wow! I have a great job.

I loved working so much to the extent that I worked endlessly it seems. I barely took a break from work. I would be in the office first and would close up at the end of the day.

I loved my work!!

Well that’s what I thought.

Now I see how my job had actually stolen my life.

I have a son that is 21. Yes I started life off young and was a father at 20 years of age. I accepted my responsibilities and am now married for 21 years.

I remember the first couple of years when my son was a toddler. But, that’s about it. I was so busy at work I don’t know how he became a young man.
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I spent so much time at work and with my job being in the horse racing industry, the department I worked in was a 7 day a week operation. I would work almost every weekend. There was no time to spend with my growing son.

There was no father son bonding. We seem to have grown apart.

As a father I focused more on trying to keep the bosses happy and ensuring I kept a job to provide for my family. But, this ignorance cost me my relationship with my son..

I swear that if I could turn back the clock I would do it all differently. I would not be so focused on my job although I would do what is required to retain it. But, I certainly would ensure that I have more family time.

Working in a corporate environment can be taxing. You get so caught up in the competition that goes on at work that you lose focus on the things that are more important, Family!

The family area has suffered but I must thank god that I am blessed with a wife that has still stuck by me. She understood in that I had to do what I did to be a provider.

But, quality family time and life with my loved ones were not all that my job had stolen.

Being the fool and putting so much time into work left me ignoring myself. I became an unhealthy slob with a big paunch.

Everyone always thought I was drinking to much beer. But, that was far from true, I hardly drank that was until about 2 years ago. It was sitting behind a desk for so many hours everyday.
I started to realize how much of life had passed me by and how much I have missed. This is when I started drinking quite a lot. Good thing I realized it and got my act together and minimized my drinking habits.

I write my story for all fathers to read. I am certain that I am not the only father that finds themselves in this situation.

As a father you to will need to make decisions. You will need to prioritize what is important in your life. A career is important, but, so is Family!

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The end result is you will be faced with the entire decision making. You will be the one that will need to decide what is it that you need to sacrifice.

Perhaps with this understanding and knowledge you will be able to make a better decision. Maybe you will be able to find a way to find the right balance between both.

My advice to all future young dads, don't let life pass you by. This is more especially on the family front.